
I'm just a girl (hence the name), hiding behind a computer screen and sharing my life and thoughts to the world. Completely Mostly anonymous.
I'm 13, and I'm from Australia. Is that as much as I can tell you? If you join me on my journey you will find out more about me, what I like, what I'm interested in, and what I do everyday. Like an online Journal, for everyone to read.

Similar to a journal; I only post sometimes. Maybe 2 to 3 times a month. This is so that I can gather up some inspiration and teensy bits of life experience and stories to tell between each post. I hope you don't mind!

I got the idea for this blog, thanks to the lovely Zoe Sugg. She wrote a really lovely book called Girl Online, about a girl called Penny, who runs an anonymous blog. It inspired me so much! I hope she doesn't mind I made an anonymous blog :)

So, please join me on my journey, and read all about me and my life.
I'm always here for anyone, and I'm just an email away =^.^=
check my contact page to send an email!

1 comment :

  1. Hi I'm Ruby,
    I really like your blog, I also like how its anonymous, it makes it cooler! I have a blog sort of the same except I'm not anonymous. I also have a hard time explaining my feelings which is totally great when thats what I talk about.. I guess thats why I don't post often.
    Bye, Ruby xx


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